Sunday, May 10, 2009

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This is the first post on my new blog. The reason for the name is, well, to state the obvious for anyone that knows me, I'm obsessed with the band MUSE. It's actually quite unhealthy how far-reaching this obsession is. I mean, if anyone knew some of the things I've done... some of the videos I've watched... some of the websites I've visited... some of the clothes I've worn... some of the vegetation I've planted... never mind. The lead singer, guitarist, pianist, and all around stage performer Matt Bellamy is the reason I started playing guitar and is my inspiration for a lot of things in life. Their music really speaks to me and I always feel better listening to them. All the haters can fuck off. Still haven't seen them in concert though, and the day I do I can die happy.

I woke up this morning and decided to create this blog because I'm fairly certain I've exhausted every brain cell I possess. In other words, I've lost my mind and don't know where it went. This has nothing to do with the copious amounts of finals studying either. Just plain and simple, I'm losing it. I've been having random spurts of mania and depression lately. I don't know if I actually have a problem, nor do I really care because I thoroughly enjoy what's ever happening to me and embrace it with open tentacles... erm... arms.

I'd like to lay out the significance of this blog to anyone that reads it before proceeding any further. The point of this blog is... well... erm... actually, there is no point. I just feel like writing stuff. Also, everyone I know that has one of these blogs is really cool. Like extra cool, with a side of dipping sauce. Like other side of the pillow that was in the fridge for 34 minutes cool. They're significantly cooler than the people I know without blogs. I hope, therefore, to not only express myself, but also in the process up my coolness significantly.

On to what sparked me waking up and making this thing.

I had a very strange dream last night. Now, when I say "strange dream" I guess you need some kind of strange-o-meter to fully understand where I'm coming from when I use such a vague term. Well on a normal strange-o-meter, it would probably be an 8.6 out of 10, which would in my opinion classify as excessively peculiar. But on my meter, which has been necessarily adjusted given the whole I'm crazy factor, I'd say it falls around a 6.2 out of 10, as I've seen much stranger things in my sleep. Overall this is still well above average, and warrants a post on this newly created blogging mechanism.

So the earliest I remember from this dream, or nightmare, or whatever it was, is sitting in the crowd at my little brother's pine wood derby day-before the races practices. This was the place where you could bring your car in and have it weighed and test-raced to be able to make any last minute adjustments. Now, this isn't completely random because I was involved with these things my whole life. My dad somehow managed to perfect a simple sloping mechanism on the cars and to put things succinctly, I ended up with a big trophy every year. But this was different. The design on my brother's car was weird. It sort of resembled a sailboat in the sense that it had a projecting sail perpendicular to the car creating obvious air resistance. But somehow it won every single time, defying the fundamental laws of physics. Except once. I was watching this specific race facing the track (the cars were coming down towards me). About halfway through, a fireball exploded behind one of the other cars, it zoomed past my brother's sail-car thing, and passed the finish line only to ricochet off the finish line judges foot straight into the air, off one of the ceiling fixtures, and right down onto my skull.

The next thing I know, I'm blurry eyed in the hospital. There are acupuncture needles, too many in fact, all over my body. I couldn't see any skin there were so many. Also, Pai Mei, dude from Kill Bill, was chilling just floating above me doing that weird thing with his beard over and over while flipping back and forth in concentric circles. I decided to get up out of the bed and when I did, every needle flew out of my body, killed Pai Mei, broke all the machinery, and put a nurse in a coma. The next thing I know I'm at a movie theater arcade pounding on the glass because I just spent about $12 trying to get the stuffed pink bear in the back left corner and that fucking claw is broken. I hate that fucking game.

I kind of remember being in line for Jujy Fruit but the next thing I know I'm riding in a motorcycle down a deserted highway with my imaginary friend Chip who was apparently created in this dream. I'm pretty sure the idea of my friend Chip spawned from a Dave Chappelle joke because he had the same funny white guy voice. But that's besides the point. As we're riding he strays away from me and I can vaguely hear him yelling something from the distance but can't make it out. The next thing I know I'm the golfball falling down the cliffs on hole 10 or 11  at Pebble Beach. Can't really remember which hole is which but I have what it looks like in my head. Somewhere. I somehow molecularize back into human form and begin pushing my bike down the sand trying to find a way out. After about 17 days of aimless walking, I come face to face with a horse/elephant/japanese beetle type thing and it won't let me pass.

I try to slowly drive around him but every time I do he slaps me back with his tail. I see Pai Mei up in the sky at this point and he directs me to take out the electric bass in my backpack. So I pulled a Mary Poppins and pulled this clearly impossibly fitting object out of my bag. Unfortunately, Pai Mei had disappeared before he could tell me what to do with it. So I just started playing Muse bass lines (I know them all) until the fucker went to sleep or whatever the fuck it was going to do. It turns out that "Hyper Music" did the trick and he turned into the golfball and rocketed away killing some golfer on the green by hitting him directly in the right eye socket with one of his horns.

So I'm on my way again and all of a sudden a stairwell appears out of no where leading to a skinny doorway. I walk up it, and leave my bike in the now purple sand because it won't fit through. I walk through the door and in turn through someone's pantry and see my apparent girlfriend and her whole family arguing in their kitchen about how our wedding is only going to cost half as much as her sister's. No one could see me though and no one was acknowledging my existence in the room. I hear breathing behind me. Turn around, and am greeted by a dagger coming down on my face by none other than Hobbes the tiger.

Then I woke up.


  1. <3
    nice touch on the morse

    i like -.-- --- ..- .-. / ..-. .. .-. ... - / .--. --- ... -

  2. ohhh mike delucca... i think reading hp will get your mind back. =]

  3. so i had a dream about you last night. and i'm writing it on here because i know you never check this. but yeah so it starts out with me being rich and having a lot of time on my hands so i fly out to pennsylvania and go to the redners grocery store you're working at. then i precede to find you in the produce section. my hair is down and looking crazy and i'm not wearing any makeup. i start to put all of my apples in one bag and look at you nonchalantly. you start freeking out and are like "oh my godddd brenda what are you doing here???" i respond, "excuse me sir? what are you talking about? my name is emily". you think you are going insane. i pay for my apples and fly back to madison.
